Thursday, 21 January 2016

3 month mark

Image result for baby achievement unlocked

So we've hit the 3 month  mark everything is going great!   very healthy and no concerns.  the consultant has put her on baby asperin  to stop chlamydia, which leads  me into how im going to stretch out this post.

during the first pregnancy my partner had pre eclampsia so the consultant put her on asperin to reduce the risk as well as sans every 2 months.  so  my nan  was telling people that when she was last pregnant she had chlamydia lol  which was very funny when I had to correct her.

well that was probably more funny than it was typing it BUT it did stretch it out a lil more lol.

Saturday, 9 January 2016

aint nobody got time for that

well the sickness has been mastered with eating often with things like ginger biscuits and tonic water  but its shifted again.  
Image result for ready salted crisps
Image result for ain't nobody got time for that

So after eating tea of pizza and breaded mushrooms I was told in no uncertain terms that the smell was making her bilious and needed salt and vinegar crisps t rectify this.  Although she wasn't prepared to go all the way to get said food items.  so we set off on an adventure in our pj's to the local coop to hunt and gather the precious food items.

not exactly like this but we hopped in the car and drove off and I didn't drive so I went into the coop in my pjs to scavenge for said crisps.  after not finding a multi bag  I ended up getting  grab bags.

Sunday, 3 January 2016

10 week mark!!

so we are very close to completing the first stretch which is really good.  after this point the chances of something going wrong are really low.  the other important thing that happens around this time is that it turns into a girl or boy which is strange

Image result for girl or boy meme

although we have to wait another 10 weeks roughly to find out that juicy nugget of information which is really exciting.

some boring ish stuff still haven't been to the midwife yet that should be soon though as we need to book in for the 12 week scan  its going very fast again!!

something that has changed this time round is what foods she wants to eat.  it seems to be salty carby food and teas/coffees are a no go lol and their is a cycle of feeling sick/hungry with no real in between although panna cotta is a winner

not really much else to report until we get booked in and the 12 week scan is done