Sunday, 14 February 2016

drum roll please....

raccoon the brain scoop emily graslie drum roll brain scoop

that's maybe not what I had in mind but it is a drum so half way their! we are very pleased that everything went ok and announced our big news through a cake with lettering as we are a food orientated family.

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didn't actually happen but he was playing with his hands plotting away evil genius baby!! 

so as it becomes more and more real we have also been inundated with shed loads of stuff I'm sure I've mentioned it before but here is a lil update

enough nappies to stock up an Indian family for weeks lol
the safest cleanest water wipes in the world!

lots of toys, stroller n things like that

we also got lots of clothing already  still waiting for this tho

or something more similar to my batman onesie. that is the dream :D 

so following my own advice  we finally came to a decision on a name that isn't mental or going to scar him for life. 

I suppose now that we know what is their are some ideas for the future what will happen how hell turn out etc im sure with los of coaching hell be an awesome
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 Image result for geek meme

Wednesday, 10 February 2016


so we are 2 days away from finding out what sex the baby will be!!

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and like the lol cat says it is exciting times!! hopefully it will be in a position so we can see it but well see or not as the case maybe.

the plan of action is to go for the scan then have family round Friday night to surprise everyone with the news.

we found this offer on group on and its only for those who are 16 weeks and you get  2 free scan photos which is well worth it as they are 5 quid each from the hospital!!!

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which irks me no end thieving gits!!

BUT I did mention last time crazy theories that can predict whether it is a boy or girl  so without further a do here are some of them!

the Mayan theory
this is 78% accurate and you take the year you conceived and the age you were if they are both odd its a girl and if one is even its a boy   it checks out for my partners first child who is a girl and this time round its both odd for this one so it could be a girl!

scan photo theory
I maybe making this name up but because you need the scan photo that's what i'm calling it and you need to find something in the photo and then this weird gradient not sure how accurate this is sounds dodgy to me.

baking soda
this is bar far the funniest so far so you get some baking soda and wee on it the more it fizzes its a boy. MENTAL
Image result for mental meme

so some things may be better than others  but the sure fire way is to see a doctor at a scan lol

Friday, 5 February 2016

of crushed lungs and poor gravity (alt grapefruit and grumpyness)

no this isn't some secret  alternative chapter from lord of the rings

This clever condom.

Infact its the main two topics that ill be talking about. 

firstly crushed lungs to set the scene we had a lovely weekend break at a really nice hotel and our room was up a few flights of stairs and along some corridors with a random settee roughly halfway to the room.

now as the baby develops and get bigger it crushes the lungs so its harder to breath which made for a great source of amusement as that settee became focal point to ask if she needed a rest as she was all wheezy either going to or from the room.

BUT that's nothing compared to thinking that the baby was affecting her centre of gravity which made for no end of jokes.

Now as this one has taken  a few days to write mainly due to me being incredibly lazy.  the alternative is my other half contribution as my sole reader (except for the 1 other person who's actually read a post) 

this is because as per my previous trips to find weird and wonderful things that she can eat it has now turned into being obsessed with

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grape fruit and being a dutiful partner I went out again hunting and gather various forms of grapefruit from tinned to fresh so make sure she was well stocked to slake the hunger.

this was also something she ate last time she was pregnant and is 1 part of the many theorise as to why it could be a girl but that's another story!!