Saturday, 29 October 2016

12 weeks, jab time and tea!

well 3months have flown by and he's soo cute (not bias lots of people have said it although in reality not many people will say your baby is ugly to your face being British n all it will be done behind your back in a polite way lol)

things he's doing more now is that he's trying to laugh and makes lots of noises and gurgles he so cute!  if you haven't already take loads of pictures and videos they don't have to be works of art or last for hours but as time goes by you wont remember these little things but if zombie land has taught me anything its enjoy the little things and how to survive a zombie apocalypse!

Image result for zombie apocalypse meme

Also if your at this point with your baby then you've started with the jabs which is horrible.  We took him to the doctors and he was all smiley and happy until the nurse jabbed him, which he didn't like n cried although its only 1 jab and some oral medicine  16 week is the worst so well see how he does it can make them quite poorly.

and finally sometimes I think of the future and what I'm going to teach him the important things and I was making a cuppa tea and thought that as we are British I need to teach him that if someone asks for a cuppa its tea not coffee not hot chocolate or those stupid herbal drinks 

cuppa means tea!
Image result for cuppa tea meme

Saturday, 22 October 2016

10 week mark pt2

so we've hit the 10 week mark again! I was going to wait till the 3month mark but with Halloween coming up and Christmas I've some top tips and general stuff to share

so firstly what's going on with baby and development type stuff firstly he's started to lose the startle reflex that kept him awake in the early weeks so that's a bonus! that has been replaced by drooling as they don't get teeth till 4months old they still move in the gums and this sets of the constant drooling none stop all the time

Image result for drooling meme

something like this lol

as its Halloween we have decided that its a must to get our lil bubba dressed up as a little skeleton with a baby grow now he probably wont remember this but with the power of media it will be a powerful embarrassment tool for later in life!

looking into the semi near future saving money at Christmas! now don't bother going mental buying loads of presents as hell not remember it at the grandparents will do that for you! so buy 1 main present and a few smaller presents and save some money!

although this is up late and tomorrow he will be 12 weeks old!