Saturday, 12 September 2015

the birds and the bees!!

So a small introduction. 

as I am currently about to become a parent I thought I would post a little tongue in cheek humorous blog from the start and beyond!!

so first things first finding out, which may take a few attempts but practice makes perfect eh!  but eventually you get those little blue lines that you've been waiting/dreading to appear.  when those blue lines appears their are some phrases that may be more acceptable than others:

do say:

OMG that's amazing
im so excited

avoid saying:

oh dear repeatedly like the sky is falling.
oh fuuuuukkkk

the next thing is telling people

Image result for pregnancy meme

which is very difficult especially your parents as its basically saying we had sex lots lol  but don't let that put you off lol

the standard social convention is start with weve got important news and hopefully they'll guess its something along those lines and I prefer humour as my main delivery system but I suppose telling ur parents or in laws that ur balls work may not go down well depending on what kind of people they are lol so aim for your goin to be grand parents as its a safe option lol

so I did tell my friends that my balls work as I found it no less difficult lol but humour got me through.

now its more like a twilight period while we wait for the 12 week scan but fear not ill be updating this as more important stuff happens like 20 week scan and other midwife appointments and stuff like that

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