Saturday, 27 August 2016

4 week mark!

well nearly  its this sunday! so lets do a review on what's happening

Image result for baby meme

is probably the main reason my bubba refuses to sleep at night or why some nights he gets a good night sleep to better prepare to vanquish his foes.  in this blog id like to have a small pep talk to rally the troops so to speak.

these first few weeks have probably flown by in a blur of dirty nappies, sleepless nights and round the clock feeds.  the sleepless nights are a down side that makes everyone stressed out BUT the silver lining is the time where they are screaming for food.  my lil harry usually cries when he needs feeding or putting down but he loves having a bath and cries when you take him out!  he also has a lovely hour in a morning with daddy.  he's also started grabbing at things and from day1 been very alert and loves looking at things.

so enjoy these moments its not all doom and gloom! 

Tuesday, 16 August 2016

the flop test

So by now you'll have some idea of the subtle enounces that your baby has and what they mean!

for example our lil bubba has a tendency to be a greedy bugger or hell nurse for comfort which both result in lots of wind.
so windy babies are very settled so you need to pace round with them or other tactics that you may find that works but for me we use the "flop test" to see if he is in a proper deep sleep and not unsettled.  on a side note the missus has been obsessed lately with saying fractious so for my enjoyment any time something happens I can say he's fractious.

so back to the test its very easy and simple.  Once you think your baby has been sufficiently winded and relaxed all you need to do is gently lift an arm and if it flops down then your good to go!

Image result for method to the madness

this all came about because my lil bubba can be very unsettled and hates his mosses basket at night! and for those of you reading and in the same boat I feel your pain.  if he isn't in a deep sleep or milk drunk as soon as his back hits that basket he screams, it has been nick named the basket of doom! he also does the startle reflex all the time at everything so when he's not fully asleep the flop test will let u know!

Monday, 8 August 2016

1 week old!!

so 2nite will mark the 1st week that my lil bubba has been kicking around for! whilst its been a fast week or seemingly fast don't be fooled! 

Image result for fool meme

because like the matrix parenting is not all it seems!  early on this week the nights have been very long as lil harry likes to party hard at night. So when 10pm comes round hes ready to rock it till 6am

Image result for party baby meme

practice makes perfect although formula milk is quite potent so I can see this happening.  As I type this another annoying habit is going on right now!  when he sleep's his startle reflex goes metal and whilst its funny coz it looks like he's that first random guy who starts off a flash mob it does invariably mean that he wakes himself up with the boogying.

so that's kinda it really for my little bundle of joy at the moment !!

at the finish line and beyond!

well since the last post a lot has happened!! we had a due date of 30th of July and he was born on the 31st at 9:07 weighing 7 lbs 2oz  and after a semi long labour we spent the next few days in hospital and he arrived home this afternoon!

so top tips for surviving labour its an immensely stressful time for everyone  so

and this will stand you in good stead for not getting shouted at!  well maybe

so this is the end of this chapter and onto the next! 

now he's home we are enjoying some relaxing time during the hours that he sleep and looking foreword to what lies ahead which will be filled with more useless meme's from the internet as well as jokes and anything else I can find.