Tuesday, 16 August 2016

the flop test

So by now you'll have some idea of the subtle enounces that your baby has and what they mean!

for example our lil bubba has a tendency to be a greedy bugger or hell nurse for comfort which both result in lots of wind.
so windy babies are very settled so you need to pace round with them or other tactics that you may find that works but for me we use the "flop test" to see if he is in a proper deep sleep and not unsettled.  on a side note the missus has been obsessed lately with saying fractious so for my enjoyment any time something happens I can say he's fractious.

so back to the test its very easy and simple.  Once you think your baby has been sufficiently winded and relaxed all you need to do is gently lift an arm and if it flops down then your good to go!

Image result for method to the madness

this all came about because my lil bubba can be very unsettled and hates his mosses basket at night! and for those of you reading and in the same boat I feel your pain.  if he isn't in a deep sleep or milk drunk as soon as his back hits that basket he screams, it has been nick named the basket of doom! he also does the startle reflex all the time at everything so when he's not fully asleep the flop test will let u know!

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