Wednesday, 18 January 2017

6 months

well its flown by (and this is a few days late) but we've made it to the 6month mark. so I thought id recap with a few things that are happening new and old

1. still not sleeping well its been roughly 2 months since this saga kicked off and its still going strong although as I sit here typing this he's having a mammoth sleep which spells disaster for the night shift. we have recently seen a shift and he's started doing a big sleep early evening, around 4 hours although this may not happen tonight.

2. he's graduated to the next class at baby sensory! and the person running it says she's his favourite! which is really nice. hes also started another class which is messy play which he loves.

3 he's eating lots of different fruit n veg pouches which he loves, mainly because he's a greedy fecker!

   Image result for recap meme

4 you may have also noticed that your baby has started to develop a distinctive shape and my lil bubba has what we call a solid base because he has massive legs.  they are so big that he is wearing the next size up trousers! to accommodate his freakishly large thighs.

5 his normal routine for a morning consists of getting up watching a film (or finishing one, we are currently watching trolls) then breakfast at 9ish. one day whilst sat in his chair on the kitchen counter I ran the tap and he turned and stared at it like a rabbit in some headlights but this has happened on more than 1 occasion since then. I've ran the tap in other rooms and as soon as it turns on he can hear the sound and then looks for it, its very comical.

6 something else that's new he's got lots of new baby friends, which is really sweet the downside is he's turning into abit of a bully, recent examples of this are whilst on a play date with his friends he grabbed one every time he was placed in the play area and stole another's doll.
 Image result for bully baby meme

7 he generally does this

8 he can officially go swimming!  which is so kool we've got waterproof nappies to stop any accidents and a rubber ring for him to sit in!

9 I've done my first solo flight and had to look after him without any boobies which is a big deal as 9 times out of 10 its boobies that calm him down.  so I spent a whole night with not much sleep while I had to sort him out every 2 hours give or take! ill be doing it again this weekend but hes on more foods so I'm better prepared I also have a new secret weapon bottles that are closer to boobies! if they don't work nothing will.

10 back to bodily fluids! coughing makes him laugh not sure why but he laughs when he coughs or other people cough.

so nothing more pleasing than a list of things or a top 10.  I was going to finish with something insightful but whilst my bubba lays on the floor  "belting the shit out of mummy" to quote the missus I've gone blank so ill end with that

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