Saturday 19 December 2015

sickness and new stuff

well this has been unexpected but we have now hit the sickness phase

Image result for morning sickness meme

but this is a new variety that starts as expected in a morning, then comes back in an evening or generally just doesn't go away.  this has been coupled with a weird craving for

Image result for ready salted crisps

with a quote "I can only eat plain foods" 

but this has spread to other foods  so flavour s out and plain stuffs is in which makes cooking difficult as plain food is boring BUT this isn't the main and only issue that needs to be navigated

Image result for grumpiness meme

so at this juncture  is always best to be nice!!  as at Christmas  time when the booze is flowing its a no go to reduce stress so alternative methods need to be thought up.  the only thing I can highly suggest is keep it simple stupid!!  run baths etc n encourage sleep when tired to lower grumpiness.

well that's  it really for now!

Wednesday 9 December 2015

back in business

so its bin 6 weeks since we found out we were pregnant again! 

and its just as bad as the first time with added bonuses.  firstly their is Christmas so no drinking :(  and making up stories for the reduced drinking.  secondly we have the worries of things going wrong but we get an early scan which is next week so all bin well it will be good news!! and thirdly we have to tell everyone again!

but the upside is we can think of a different way to tell people which is all ways fun.

i'm also gearing up to make it back to being more funny as the last post was

 Image result for sad cat meme

don't think u can find anything sadder than that!!!  but hopefully with changing  diet and the return o grumpiness and achiness well get more

next post will be after the scan results !!!

Sunday 6 December 2015

sad stuff :(

I was tempted to finish this blog as we went for a 12 week scan and found that the baby hadn't grown at the same rate as the placenta.

so as hard as it was telling everyone that we were pregnant it was far harder to tell people that wed had a miscarriage.  this was nothing to do with anything wed done apparently 1 in 4 end up this way.

through the NHS we received some support from a charity that helps with miscarriages and we still have our scan picture and a nice little box it was all really lovely.

so we haven't forgotten our lil orange but its been a difficult time and  wasn't sure whether to post something like this but as its part of the process its something people should be aware of....